Cite 2021

Tue 9, 16, 23 November // 7 - 9pm AEDT

Cite is our national theology and missions conference, with a generous side helping of people like you; that is, other university staff and postgraduate students.

With the launch of our TAG mission fellowship this year and the distribution of our national undergraduate conference (NTE) over different regions, we have opted to focus Cite in 2021 on theology and our network of interesting people; things we can deliver well online.

Our three Tuesday evening sessions will primarily be a lecture series outlining a theological response to the identity angst of the 21st Century. We will also take time throughout the sessions to meet our own from around the country to hear how they are serving Christ in their different contexts.

Come to Cite to grow in your knowledge of God and be challenged with new ways to serve him on your campus in 2022.

Knowing who you are and being true to yourself has never been more important than in the twenty-first century West. It is seen as a sign of good mental health and wellbeing, the path to true happiness and the key to authentic living.

Most people in our day believe that the best place to look to find yourself is inward. Personal identity is a do-it-yourself project. All forms of external authority are to be rejected and everyone’s quest for self-expression should be celebrated.

What are we to make of this movement, sometimes called expressive individualism? Are there other places to look to find yourself? What does Christian faith recommend in terms of identity formation?

Brian Rosner

Ridley College, Melbourne

Dr Brian Rosner is the principal of Ridley College, having lectured at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and Moore Theological College. Brian has a PhD from the University of Cambridge and is the author or editor of more than a dozen books, including Greed as Idolatry, The New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, The Pillar commentary on 1 Corinthians, Paul and the Law, and Known by God: A Biblical Theology of Personal Identity. His next book, How to Find Yourself: Why Looking Inward is Not the Answer, is due to appear with Crossway in 2022. He is married to Natalie and has four children and two grandchildren.


1What if I can't make all three sessions?

On the registration form below you can nominate which sessions you expect to attend. This helps with planning to gauge numbers for each session.

We hope to record Dr Brian Rosner's sessions, and make them available shortly after Cite. However, this is yet to be confirmed.

2Can I gather with others to watch Cite together?

Yes - we encourage you to gather with others from your region or campus. This would be a great way to share the experience and theological reflection that is at the heart of Cite.

However, we do ask each person to register seprately.

3Where do I find the Zoom link?

The Zoom link will be included in the confirmation email you receive when you register.

If you did not receive the email, or have any other question regarding your registration, contact Andrew Brown at andrew.brown(at)

4Who is UQ Evangelical Students (UQES)?

UQ Evangelical Students ( is the AFES ministry at the University of Queensland.

UQES is partnering with The Simeon Network to host Cite 2021. When you register, you will receive a confirmation email and receipt from UQES.


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